
RFP® Testimonials

“The program has been very educational to me and made me realize the essence of time and savings. This program isn’t like any other crash courses that only teach theories but not the application part which I think would be the most important aspect. This made me re evaluate what I’m doing and helps me on what to do in the future.”

Cortez, Raymund Nunnatus R.
Sales Manager
Corlife Insurance Agency, Inc.

“The RFP Course has brought me to a higher level of competence in my career. I now appreciate the finer details of my work and the mission to bring financial literacy to as many has been strengthened and enriched by people behind RFP.
More power to RFP and may your tribe and ours increase all the more in the coming years! Hurrah to a better Philippines!!”

Domingo, Elizabeth M.
Financial Adviser
Insular life Assurance Co. Ltd.

“While we are aware of the different facets of financial planning the learnings we get from RFP give us a more clearer view on how we can help clients better address their financial objectives.”

Cortez, Myrna R.
Corlife Insurance Agency,Inc

“I learned a lot from the program. It has inspired me to continue to have more. Keep up the great work!”

Marquez, Sarah Lynne S.

“The 8 sessions RFP Program has been the most critical and important time of my life. I can say the most critical since this equipped me the knowledge I need to set my life and even family’s, life plan in financial terms. This program also taught me that there is more to life than earning money and that is to help people achieve financial success and spread financial literacy.”

Capili, Crysler D.
Financial Analyst
BFS, Inc

“I learned the Registered Financial Planner Program when my friends in the Insurance Industry invited me to attend the financial fitness forum at Megamall last May. Even though, I haven’t finished all the modules yet, but I already learned a lot from this not only from the topic discussed but also from the personal small tips of our speakers. So far, what interests me most is Investment Planning by Sir Jeff. I know finishing and completing this course will help me a lot in my profession.”

Torre, Merilyn S.
Managing Partner
Torre, Sobremonte and Associates
Batch 33

“RFP is indeed illustrated a wholistic approach to finances that can be great info to be shared with other people. I plan to become a financial speaker to reach out many people as I can through this knowledge, to serve the average JUAN. The program is comprehensive enough for this.”

Mazon, Bernardino D.
Product Analysis Engineer
Bernardino D.Mazon
Batch 33

“The eight-week program of RFP is very disturbing yet liberating for me. It challenges me to be my own financial planner and to help my clients holistically in their financial planning.”

Pilar, Mildred Anne J.
Financial Advisor
Sun Life Financial of Canada (Phils)
Batch 33

“The program was very insightful. It helped us to gain useful knowledge in my quest of educating more Filipinos on the importance of planning their finances properly.”

Servillon, Ariel F.
Business Dev. And Marketing Manager
Quadstar Resources
Batch 33

“It gives a comprehensive program in Financial Planning. I look forward to apply what I have learned. Most trainees are very generous with their knowledge, and sharing the materials they made. Thank you!”

Lazo, Ginnylyn D.
Financial Advisor
Insular Life
Batch 33

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